The Urban Farming Guys
The Urban Farming Guys have created their home on the corner of Myrtle Ave and 12th Street in Kansas City, Missouri. They recently purchased a 20,000 square foot building to be converted into a “MakerSpace,” or a community- innovation-DIY space. The new MakerSpace building will be located two blocks west of their headquarters at 12th and Monroe.
The MakerSpace will be self-sufficient and serve as host to financially viable programming. The building is owned debt-free and any donations will support the purchase of program materials, equipment, and resources. The MakerSpace will operate on a membership plan similar to a gym membership, in which students and community members will pay a monthly fee to gain access to the space and tools. This financial structure will also make it possible for MakerSpace to offer scholarships to children and students from the Lykins neighborhood. The building program will include space for a recording studio, cafe and community kitchen, robotics building, training and classrooms, offices, artist studios, and aquaponics.
To learn more about the efforts and programs of the Urban Farming Guys:
For full results from the 2014 Eco Abet Summer Charrette:
The design concepts and imagery were a result of the collective talent of Sam Loring, Katie Crowley, Carissa Loehr, Danielle Vevea, Bryan Gross, Mary Beth Rojas, Kurt Youngstrom, Thanh Nguyen, John Reeves, Nick Bock, Patrick Frankle, Emily Harrold, Jason Ragan, Dave Macaulay, Culin Thompson, Aimee Gray, Shelby Franklin, and Linda Cain.
Thanks to team sponsors McCown Gordon and Burns and McDonnell.